Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Team Walk & Roll

I haven't blogged in ages, but I promise, I have a bunch of drafts that I just need to refine before posting. This entry however, is of urgent matter, so I'm doing an emergency post. Stay tuned for back-dated entries!

So my friend Tam invited me to take part in the American Cancer Society's "Making Strides" Walk this May in an effort to help raise money for breast cancer research. What started off as a few friends getting together for a casual walk n' talk to support the cause (but not expecting to raise much [or any] money) became a full blown fundraiser with all the bells and whistles!

With a team of highly [hot] capable girls, and an ever-so-slightly nudge (aka. Yen's infamous spam-n-rah-rah email), we went from $0 to over $1,300 in less than two weeks and are listed as one of Portland's Top 10 Teams, currently ranked in 4th place and just $226 away from 3rd place! (I had to edit that last sentence twice since we moved 2 ranks within the same amount of time it took me to write this entry). Woot woot! We have 18 days left to take Portlanders by storm... and trust me, we will!

In fact, Tam met with Portland Director of the American Cancer Society yesterday who claims team Walk & Roll is the talk of their office - for our fundraising-prowess and quick moves to the top! We're even being used an an example of small groups of people can get together and do great things! And as a special incentive, he's promised to take our entire team to lunch if we make make it to #1! I wonder how Enterprise Rent-a-Car is going to feel about that.

As you've heard me say before, every bit counts. We've got personalized donation canisters at a handful of bars and restaurants, two promising sponsors, and an uuber exciting fundraising activity around the corner! This is what I live for!!! hahaha Please feel free to be inclined to donate money on my behalf! It's super easy and tax deductible - just click on this link which will happily allow you to punch in your credit card details and provide a receipt or check out Michael's Facebook page for updates on my progress! I'm 40% to my goal of $700! Woohooooo!!

Thank you everyone for your support!

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